Yinson Production specialises in the provision of integrated services for Floating, Production, Storage, Offloading, (FPSO) and Floating, Storage, and Offloading, (FSO) units.
We design, construct, and operate industry-leading production assets for the offshore oil and gas industry towards improving global access to stable and affordable energy.
We are also leading the way towards Net Zero, Yinson's Climate Goal for 2050, with responsible solutions, working closely with likeminded partners in realising our Zero Emissions FPSO concept.
Geological and geophysical mapping via seismic survey
Wildcat wells drilled to assess the potential discovery of oil and gas
Pre-FEED and FEED studies
Fabrication and procurement
Extraction, processing and export of hydrocarbons
Decommissioning of end-of-field infrastructure
Our Climate Goals are to be carbon neutral by 2030 and net zero by 2050. currently, 97%* of the Group’s overall carbon emissions stem from Yinson Production.
We believe our Zero Emissions FPSO concept is the best solution in tackling the issue with our innovative solutions such as closed flaring system, hydrocarbon blanketing, carbon capture, utilisation and storage, and direct air capture.
We are working with clients and business partners to develop and implement the Zero Emissions FPSO concept, which is a key way to drastically lower our emissions.
We are working with clients and business partners to develop and implement the Zero Emissions FPSO concept, which is a key way to drastically lower our emissions.
We believe our Zero Emissions FPSO concept is the best solution in tackling the issue with our innovative solutions such as closed flaring system, hydrocarbon blanketing, carbon capture, utilisation and storage, and direct air capture.
To understand how our Zero Emissions FPSO concept is closely tied to our Sustainability Roadmap, visit the Sustainability page here.
Deploying these emissions-lowering technologies to eliminate routine flaring and venting
Up to 10% GHG reduction
Efficiently capture heat generated in the production process to be used to produce electricity for FPSO operations
Up 25% GHG reduction
Partial / full electrification of FPSO operations by importing renewable energy sourced from onshore and / or nearby offshore infrastructure
Up to 100% GHG reduction of power production
Remove carbon via DAC and CCUS technologies
Up to 90% GHG reductions of power production
FPSO units operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, withstanding harsh weather conditions and the ravages of the open sea. At Yinson, we are proud to have maintained a fleet uptime of above 99% since 2014.
Yinson holds certifications in ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISM and ISPS.
>99% Fleet uptime
FPSO Conversion
Anna Nery
Petrobras - Brazil
Contract Award FPSO Conversion
Azule – Angola
Contract Award FPSO Redeployment
Enauta - Brazil
Contract Award FPSO Conversion
Maria Quitéria
Petrobras - Brazil
FPSO Upgrade
FIRST E&P - Nigeria
FPSO Redeployment
JX Nippon - Malaysia
FPSO Conversion
John Agyekum Kufuor
ENI – Ghana
FPSO Conversion
Lam Son
PTSC - Vietnam
FSO New Build
Bien Dong 01
PTSC - Vietnam
FPSO Conversion
CNR - Gabon
FPSO Conversion
Addax - Nigeria
Jack-Up Conversion
Marc Lorenceau
Addax - Nigeria
FSO Conversion
Knock Nevis
Maersk - Qatar
FPSO Upgrade
Petróleo Nautipa
Vaalco - Gabon
FPSO Conversion
Knock Taggart
Addax - Nigeria
FPSO Conversion
Petróleo Nautipa
Ranger Oil - Angola
FSO Conversion
Knock Dee
Soekor - South Africa
FSO Conversion
Knock Taggart
Abacam - Nigeria
Jack-Up Conversion
Borgen Dolphin MOPU
Mobil Oil - Nigeria
Fred. Olsen Production
Active in the Oil and Gas industry
Head of Investor Relations & Rating
[email protected]Senior Associate Investor Relations & Rating
[email protected]