
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”), otherwise known as the Global Goals adopted by the United Nations, represent a universal call to action towards the creation of a better shared future. Every organisation has a role to play in furthering the individual agendas of each SDG.

At Yinson, we have strategically decided to focus our corporate efforts towards aligning to seven (7) key SDGs after taking careful consideration on how we can drive positive change.

Sustainabilty Development Goals


Sustainable Development Goals

A call for action to align with strategies that build economic growth and address a range of social needs including education, health, social protection and job opportunities, while tackling climate change and environment protection.

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Yinson’s progress

Check out our latest Annual Report to find out more about our progress towards achieving our goals. We look forward to showcasing our contributions toward each SDG in the coming years.

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Yinson's Indicators

  • Quality Education

    • Number of schools with access to electricity
    • Number of schools with access to the internet
    • Number of scholarships given
    • Number of teachers sponsored
    • Number of students impacted at schools
  • Gender Equality

    • Diversity profile of Yinson's Board of Directors
    • Diversity profile of Yinson's senior management
    • Diversity profile of Yinson's staff
  • Affordable and Clean Energy

    • Number of schools with access to electricity
    • Total amount of carbon emissions avoided
  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

    • Group-wide attrition rates
    • Annual new hires
    • Completion rate of employees undergoing training related to Human & Labour Rights
    • Number of students positively impacted
    • Continued excellence in our operational health & safety-related indicators
  • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

    • Carbon intensity per barrel of oil equivalent (kg CO2e/BOE)
    • Carbon intensity per MWh of energy generated (kg CO2e/MWh)
    • Intensity of carbon emissions per revenue(‘000 CO2e/revenue)
  • Climate Action

    • Take action to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by 2030)
    • Align operations to be net zero by 2050
  • Life Below Water

    • Maintain parts per million (PPM) levels from produced water and slop overboard average levels of <15 PPM.
  • © 2024 Yinson Holdings Berhad 199301004410 (259147-A).
    All rights reserved.
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