Yinson is committed to achieving our 30 most impactful ESG targets by 2030

  • 30 by 30 marks a significant milestone in Yinson's ongoing sustainability journey, as it culminates all our learnings, commitments and aspirations together in a single declarative set of our most material targets that we are committed to measuring and reporting against.

    Check out our FYE2024 scorecard

  • 30 by 30: A Collective Journey Towards A Better Horizon

    Introducing 30 by 30, a sustainability-driven initiative to take us to a better and more sustainable future

30 by 30 Targets

The targets are closely mapped to the three Sustainability Principles outlined within Yinson’s Sustainability Policy: Environment, Social and Governance. They are specific, measurable, time-bound, and importantly, their attainment will contribute significantly to the creation of a long-term and sustainable economy that is fair and equitable to all.

Some of them are yearly targets to be maintained, such as zero spills and zero fatalities, while others are targets to be achieved by 2030, such as EV chargers installed and investments into green businesses.

Climate Change
  • 1

    Carbon intensity of our FPSO operations
    Total emissions against total production of the offshore production fleet which Yinson operates
    2030 TARGET: 11 kg CO2e/BOE
  • 2

    Carbon intensity of our Group operations
    Total Group emissions against total energy produced
    2030 TARGET: 136.7 kg CO2e/MWh
  • 3

    Carbon compensation & removal
    Percentage of residual Scope 1 and 2 emissions offset through high-quality carbon credits or carbon removal projects
    2030 TARGET: 100%
Clean Energy
  • 4

    EV chargers installed
    Number of EV chargers installed and operational
    2030 TARGET: 3,000
  • 5

    Renewable energy generation
    Renewable energy generated per year from plants where Yinson has majority-ownership
    2030 TARGET: 5,600 GWh
  • 6

    Investments into green businesses
    Percentage of total equity invested into non-oil-based FPSO activities
    2030 TARGET: 30%
  • 7

    Water discharge from operations
    Oil in slop and produced water content of Yinson Production-operated fleet.
    2030 TARGET: <15 ppm
  • 8

    Zero spills
    Number of hydrocarbon spills every year
    2030 TARGET: Zero
Health and Safety
  • 9

    Lost Time Injury Frequency
    Frequency of Lost Time Injuries (fatalities + lost workday cases) per 1 million work hours
    2030 TARGET: Zero
  • 10

    Total Recordable Injury Frequency
    Frequency of personal injuries of a certain severity (termed recordable injuries) per 1 million work hours
    2030 TARGET: <0.2
  • 11

    Zero fatalities
    Number of fatalities
    2030 TARGET: Zero
Diversity, Equality & Inclusion
  • 12

    Gender equality at Board
    Percentage of female board of directors
    2030 TARGET: 50%
  • 13

    Gender equality onshore
    Percentage of female onshore permanent employees
    2030 TARGET: 30%
Human Capital Development
  • 14

    Employee turnover
    Voluntary employee turnover divided by average headcount
    2030 TARGET: <10%
  • 15

    Employee remuneration
    Percentage of employees earning above minimum wage
    2030 TARGET: 100%
  • 16

    Employee training hours
    Average number of training hours per employee per year
    2030 TARGET: 120
Community Engagement
  • 17

    Lives impacted
    Cumulative number of individuals directly impacted by CSR projects
    2030 TARGET: 30,000
  • 18

    Employee volunteerism
    Number of hours spent by employees in CSR projects
    2030 TARGET: 30,000
  • 19

    CSR investments
    Cumulative amount invested into CSR projects
    2030 TARGET: RM30 million
  • 20

    Communities impacted
    Number of communities directly impacted by CSR projects
    2030 TARGET: 30
Sustainable Supply Chain
  • 21

    Supplier ESG screenings
    Percentage of pre-qualified suppliers undergoing detailed ESG screening
    2030 TARGET: 100%
  • 22

    Supplier ESG site audits
    Number of top suppliers by spend and compliance risk undergoing ESG site audits with Yinson
    2030 TARGET: 10
  • 23

    Local supplier participation
    Percentage of quotations requested from local suppliers for operating units
    2030 TARGET: >70%
  • 24

    Supplier engagement initiatives
    Percentage of suppliers engaged from projects for our core supplier list (e.g. through supplier events)
    2030 TARGET: 100%
Data Privacy & Security
  • 25

    Zero unresolved privacy breaches
    Percentage of substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data resolved
    2030 TARGET: 100%
  • 26

    Zero unresolved confidential data breaches
    Percentage of substantiated complaints concerning breaches of confidential data resolved
    2030 TARGET: 100%
ESG Ratings & Assurance
  • 27

    Sustainability Statement assurance
    Independent assurance on our Sustainability Statement every year
    2030 TARGET: Yes
  • 28

    ESG ratings
    Achievement of good ESG ratings by top ESG rating agencies

    2030 TARGET:
    FTSE4Good: 4
    CSA/DJSI: 70
    MSCI: A
    Sustainalytics: <15
Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption
  • 29

    ABAC training
    Percentage of employees completing basic ABAC training
    2030 TARGET: 100%
  • 30

    Zero incidences of corruption
    Percentage of substantiated incidents of corruption resolved
    2030 TARGET: 100%

  • Discover 30 by 30 and learn more about the targets we have set to achieve by 2030

    Find out more

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    All rights reserved.
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